Download CSC Economic Survey Exam Question With Answer 2020

If you want to work in Economic Census in CSC, then for that how you can work in it, for that you must first do your registration through CSC and then after that you have to give your CSC EXAM, this CSC Exam will be online there. Have to give your exam.

Here you have to enter your registration number and password and log in

If you do not know what is your registration number and password, then let us tell you that you can get your registration number from your CSC operator and use your mobile number in the password!

Now the dashboard of CSC Arthik Jangana / Economic Census Supervisor / Enumerator will open in front of you, you will see a lot of options here, you have to click on the option named Assessment and you will see an assessment that screen will open in this way!
Where you are seeing 6 Modules, which you have to complete the assessment if you have not yet completed your Economic Survey Assessment!

Now after completion of the assessment, click on Take Exam below and you will be asked to choose the language, here you select the English language and click on the submit button!

After this, you will be transferred to the Secure Exam Browser of CSC.

(You have to install this browser in your computer)

There, you have to capture your photo and photo of your Aadhaar card with your computer camera and after you verify Proctor, your Supervisor / Enumerator Exam will start!

Here you will be asked about 25 Question 7th Economic Survey 2019, you have to answer all those multiple choice questions and after answering all the multiple choice questions, you have to finally click on Submit Exam and after successful submission you will get the message. It will appear that your CSC Economic Survey Exam has been completed successfully!

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