CSC e-Governance Services India Limited, a Special Purpose Vehicle, has been set up by the Ministry of Electronics & IT under the Companies Act, 1956 to oversee implementation of the CSC scheme. CSC SPV provides a centralized collaborative framework for delivery of services to citizens through CSCs, besides ensuring systemic viability and sustainability of the Scheme..
To develop CSCs as a reliable and ubiquitous IT-enabled network of citizen service points connecting local population with government departments, business establishments, banks, insurance companies and educational institutions, with an impact on primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the country’s economy.
Allindiacscvlesociety is a platform Connecting All INDIA CSC VLE's in a Single Place to Help each other and help VLE across all States to solve technical issues, how to do all services, bio metric device settings and installations and all and to remain Updates about the Latest happenings OF CSC's across the country.
Our Mission :
Our Philosophy:
Our Mission :
Based on the assessment of CSC scheme, the Government launched the CSC 2.0 scheme in 2015 to expand the outreach of CSCs to all Gram Panchayats across the country.
Under CSC 2.0 scheme, at least one CSC will be set up in each of the 2.5 lakh GPs across the country by 2019. CSCs functioning under the existing scheme will also be strengthened and integrated with additional 1.5 lakh CSCs across the country.
CSC 2.0 scheme would consolidate service delivery through a universal technology platform, thereby making e-services, particularly G2C services accessible to citizens anywhere in the country.
Digital India is a flagship programme of the Government of India with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. The programme was launched on July 1, 2015 by Hon’ Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
For more information please click here
Our Commitment:
CSC will be set up in each of the 2.5 lakh GPs across the country by 2019. CSCs functioning under the existing scheme will also be strengthened and integrated with additional 1.5 lakh CSCs across the country."
Our Promise:
All India CSC Vle society would consolidate service delivery through a universal technology platform, thereby making e-services, particularly G2C services accessible to citizens anywhere in the country.
Key Features of CSC 2.0 scheme:
A self-sustaining network of 2.5 lakh CSCs in Gram Panchayats
Large bouquet of e-services through a single delivery platform
Standardization of services and capacity building of stakeholders
Localised Help Desk support
Sustainability of VLEs through maximum commission sharing
Encouraging more women as VLEs
Our Values:
e-Development of India as the engine for transition into a developed nation and an empowered society.