You will get complete information about the installation and according to CSC, this work has to be done by 20Sep or else the work of UTI Pan will stop after 20Sep from Digital Seva portal. The date may change, but you can do it before 20-Sep, if you have to successfully install mac utility software, then do not read till the last, then watch the video below.
If you do not do this work?
Installing UTI MAC Utility is mandatory for all CSC VLEs
If you do not install UTI MAC Utility, then you cannot do the work of PAN Card through UTI, it may be applicable but the Pan Card will not be made.
UTI MAC Utility Installation Process
1. Friends, you have to download UTI MAC Utility for this.
2. If your Windows is 32 bit, then 32 bit and if your Windows is 64 bit, then UTI MAC Utility of 64 bit will have to be downloaded.
3. If your Windows is 32 bit or 64 bit, you can check in the system property.
4. After this you have to install java jre in your computer, java is also in 32 and 64 bit, which will have to be downloaded according to your system.
5. After this you have to intall java.
6. After java is intall, you will have to go to Control Panel \ System and Security \ System in your computer's property or you will have to click on Advance system setting.
7. As soon as you click on Advance system setting, a new window opens.
8. In this you will get option show of Enviroment variables.
9. Here you have to click on new and give variable name (JRE_HOME) and variable value (C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre1.8.0_221)
10. Here the name of jre folder should be the same as what is in your computer, like jre folder name in my computer is jre1.8.0_221.
11. After inserting Variable name and Variable value, you have to do OK and OK which will save Variable.
12. After this you have to extract UTI MAC Utility with the help of 7zip or winrar software and put that extracted folder in d drive or f drive.
13. Now you have to restart the computer once. After computer restart, you have to type cmd in the search program after clicking on windows option
14. Once the cmd option is shown, you have to click the right tab of the mouse (option tab) or you have to click the option of run as administrator.
15. That means you have to open your cmd run as administrator so that you will not face any problem in installing UTI MAC Utility.
16. Now you have to open the folder of MAC Utility wherever you have a Mac Utility d drive or f drive
17. And by copying the link to that folder, right clicking the mouse in cmd, paste see for example in the picture.
18. You will see written in cmd as follows
C: \ Windows \ system32> D: \ macutility or C: \ Windows \ system32> F: \ macutility
19. You have to press enter by typing D: \ macutility \ Service.bat Install or f: \ macutility \ Service.bat Install, giving a \ next to D: \ macutility or F: \ macutility.
20. You will get a successful install show in cmd.
21. Now you can continue the benefits of UTI PAN service after restarting the computer
22. If you want to check whether the mac utility is installed or not, then you have to press win + r, after that type run services.msc and then you will get the uti mac utility show.
23. Now if you uninstall the uti mac utility
If you want to do, you have to press enter by typing D: \ macutility \ Service.bat Uninstall in cmd uti mac utility will be uninstall.