Kindly follow the below PMGDISHA VLE/CSC Training Centre registration. Please note that the registration process is absolutely FREE.
1. Every VLE/CSC should register for PMGDISHA Training Center. Its a mandatory service for every CSC.
2. Use the link is available in CSC Digital Seva Portal for registering your CSC for PMGDISHA .
3. Please consult with your District Coordinator for knowing the Vacant G.P details for registering your CSC .
4. Affidavit format is available in the same link. It needs to be printed in Rs.100 stamp paper with all your personal details required in the form.
5. Notary Public or Gazetted rank officers seal with sign is required in that affidavit form.
6. Details need to be captured in the portal for creating User Credentials.
7. Credentials will be mailed to your respective digimail.
8. District Coordinator will visit the centre in next 72 hrs.
9. D.C will guide you on Candidate registration and other details on his visit
10. There is no charges for this process. Its absolutely free of charge for visiting and approving the centre.
11. VLE will be paid Rs.300 per candidate on successful certification of the candidate. A CSC/VLE can register 300 candidates / students of his GP for this course.
12. No amount should be collected from the beneficiaries for this course by VLE.
13. For knowing eligibility criteria for the candidate please Click Here