Digipay all 16 Problems With their Solutions 2020

If there is any problem in Digipay, then 100% of all the problems read till the last will be found here Digipay. It is mandatory to install all CSC vle, if you work in Economic Census, then all your commission is going to come in Digipay, so all of you It is compulsory to use Digipay, here Digipay has described 20 Problem Solution, hoping that this post is going to be helpful for all of you.
Problem: solution
VLE is trying to register himself/herself in older version
VLE has to download new version Digipay v4.1 from https://digipay.csccloud.in/

2, Problem
Problem: solution

Older version of RD service app is being installed
Uninstall the older version of RD service app and install new version of RD service from
Google Play Store.

3, Problem
Problem: This error comes when bank’s AEPS license key is expired Solution: VLE has need to try again to do transaction after sometime.

4, Problem
Problem: solution

This error occurs when customer’s transaction amount withdrawal limit set by bank is
crossed for the day
Solution :
Customer has to visit his/her bank to increase the limit of transaction limit or customer
can do the transaction next day.

5, Problem
Problem: solution

Request Integrity Failed
Solution :

step 1, Copy printlog folder from C:\CSC e-Governance Services India Limited\DIGIPAY
to another location in desktop/laptop

step 2, Uninstall Digipay and delete CSC e-Governance Services India Limited folder from
C: drive

step 3, Reinstall Digipay and re-register in Digipay. The error will be resolve.

6, Problem

Problem: solution

OTP is not coming on registered mobile no due to single mobile no is registered in
multiple CSC Ids
VLE has to update different mobile no at https://register.csc.gov.in/myaccount/login and
after login in My Account, VLE can change the mobile no under KYC update àCommunication

7, Problem

Problem: solution

Change of version of Morpho RD service device.
Uninstall older version of Morpho RD service from the System. To Uninstall Older version,
Please follow the Steps Below :

1. Go To Control Panel àProgram And Features

2. Find Morpho RD Service Driver version and click on Uninstall.

3. Then Select Morpho Smart USB 64 bits Driver and click on Uninstall.
4. When Uninstallation is complete, Go To C: drive and delete Morpho, MORPHORDLOG
and MorphoRdServiceL0Soft folders
To install the new version of RD service, Please follow the Steps below:

1. Visit www.digipay.csccloud.in or https://rdserviceonline.com to download new version
of RD service software. Click on Downloads link on website to download latest version of
software on Desktop.

2. Right Click on Windows_RD_Service_2.0.1.32 and click on Extract to
Windows_RD_Service_2.0.1.32. A Windows_RD_Service_2.0.1.32 folder will be

3. In Windows_RD_Service_2.0.1.32 folder, Right Click on MorphoRdserviceL0SoftUpdater
and click on Run As Administrator.

4. Morpho RD service setup will be install with all the necessary requirements.

5. Plug your Morpho Device and wait until the device automatically shows the pop up
message Device Registration Successfully
After installation of RD service of Morpho, Re-register in Digipay to remove this error.

8, Problem
Problem: solution

Problem: Internet is not connected properly or Slow internet due to network issue Solution: Try to login/register in Digipay using other network connections

9, Problem

Problem: solution

Problem: Transaction request not reached to the server Solution: VLE has to try again to do the transaction.

10, Problem

Problem: solution

Problem: Authentication request not reached to the server Solution: VLE has to try again to do the authentication.

11, Problem

Problem: solution

Problem : POI/POA documents are not uploaded Solution : VLE has to update his/her POI/POA documents on https://register.csc.gov.in/myaccount/login . And DM has to coordinate with State team to complete their QC.

12, Problem
Problem : solution 

Customer’s account is not linked with Adhaar no for AEPS transaction Solution : Customer has to visit his/her branch to link his/her account with their Adhaar no

13, Problem
Problem :solution 

This error comes when Mantra device RD service is not working during authentication Solution : Please follow the steps 1.Type SERVICES in Start menu 2.Services window will open. Find Mantra AVDM 3.Click on Restart. 4.Wait till the Mantra AVDM pop up message Framework Ready to Use shows two times 5.Then start Digipay.

14, Problem
Problem :solution 

Problem : Bank has closed AEPS transaction services for further notice Solution : VLE has to stop doing the transaction of those banks who are getting above error.

15, Problem

Problem :solution 

VLE’s bank details are not updated Solution : If VLE is facing above error ask him to check the banking details at https://register.csc.gov.in/myaccount/login . If they are incomplete then tell him to update his banking details. And if they are already updated but still getting above error then DM has to coordinate with State team to complete their QC.

16, Problem
Problem :solution 

Server is under maintenance Solution : If VLE is facing above tell him wait for sometime and then try again to login in Digipay after sometime.

Download Link 

Morpho Driver Download
Morpho RD service Download
Digipay all Problem Solution  TROUBLESHOOTING v4.1 PDF Dwonload
CSC_PC User Manual_DigiPay v4.1 PDF Dwonload
CSC Digipay Android Mobile User Manual DigiPay v4.1 PDF Dwonload