CSC Academy Team has designed a course on 'Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence’. The course will be delivered online via WhatsApp and is available for a nominal fee of Rs. 500+ GST (Total - Rs.590/-) - Available both on CSC Digital Sewa & Payment Gateway for outsiders.The learner will be added to the course delivery group.
The course link is available here https://exam.cscacademy.org/aicourse
It’s a one of kind initiative in the World where such course is getting delivered via Social Media Platform. It’s a proud moment for CSC Academy !
The course is initially open for 250 candidates and the course is mentored by Prof. MM Pant (http://www.mmpant.org) (Prof MM Pant is a renowned physicist , academician, lawyer who completed his Ph.D which was examined and approved by Prof. N F Mott, Nobel Laureate in Physics. )
I would request you to kindly popularize this course in CSC Network. CSC Academy is dedicated to launch more such innovative courses via WhatsApp medium.
Methodology: Every day 5 posts will be made between 7am and 8am, at approximately equal intervals. From Monday to Friday for 4 weeks. So, 20 days and 100 posts and about 20 hours of learning time. Each post may comprise short pieces of text, images, links to a video or audio or and audio post with voice. The general plan would be that each post should take about 10 minutes to follow, with about an hour every day. As this is an a-synchronous mode of learning, different learners may space their learning to suit their convenience. Some serious focused learners may go through the content sequentially and devote an hour in one block. Others may break it into shorter sessions of 10 to 30 minutes depending upon their span of attention. The rest of the time is for follow up questions, comments and observations.
This course will be on offer every month, beginning on the first Monday of the month. The first batch will begin on Monday April 6th 2020. Subsequent batches will begin on Monday 4th May and June 1st 2020. The schedule for July onward will be revised, based upon the experience of these 3 months.