Students who had appeared in the Examination of Secondary/Senior Secondary (10th or 12th) from any recognized Board (CBSE, ICSE or state board with in India) but could not clear, those students can be appear in NIOS On Demand Examination system. On Demand Examination system is an examination facility provided by NIOS. A candidate can apply online for On Demand Examination system and can choose a date of examinations are conducted in all Regional Centers on monthly basis and as per number of seats available.

The advantages of ODES can be stated as follows:
• Allows the Student to get assessed when he/ she is ready. Readiness depends on the Student and not on the institution.
• Attempts to remove the stress of appearing in examination(s), whether for all subjects or in one subject at a fixed time and schedule.
• Attempts to remove the threat of failure in examination.
• Removes frustration, loss of self esteem, peer group ridicule, depression etc.
• Knowledge of results is almost immediate and success, even in one subject, is a strong motivating factor.
• Degree and level of performance is decided by the Student who can reappear in the examination as many times as one wants, till satisfied.
• Question papers are available only in English and Hindi medium.

VLE Commission:
• Student Registration & Fee Collection: Rs. 35
• Examination Form & Fee Submission: Rs. 20

Course Fee:
Registration process:
1. Visit our URL:
2. Click on Education in services.
3. Click on Online Admission NIOS and click on On Demand.
4. Follow the process of the registration and fill the details of candidate.
5. Pay the fee through CSC wallet.